Volume 9, 2002


Investments in RUSSIA

Leonid BASS. The Russian investment symposium in Harvard

The symposium will be conducted in November 13 - 17 by the J. Kennedy School of state management, Harvard University together with “Dow - Johns Company, Boston (USA).


Investment CLIMATE

Dmitry BURLOV. The region’s participation in the world investment capital movement

Russia can get over its economy crisis using opportunities of integration into the system of the world economic relations. The region is regarded as a self-sustained and representative partner of these relations. To draw foreign investments in the Russian economy became the main task of the federal and regional levels.


Investment MARKET

Valery ORESHKIN. Foreign investment in Russia as a factor of economic development: realities, problems, prospects

The main trend in the world economy is the growing process of its globalization. The growth of international exchange in goods, services and capital leaves the world production growth far behind. The capital export is growing still faster. Russia has accumulated a lot of problems that hamper its participation in the international capital exchange.

Timur SABIRZANOV. A system operator and the Federal network company: together or apart?

The creation of the infrastructure of the energy market in Russia is well underway though it is legging behind the Government schedule.

Elena ROMANOVA. The USA capital export to Russia through state channels

(the end, beginning in ¹ 8, 2002)



Victor MOSKVIN. Management of project realization risks by network models

Though the PERT methods are now out of fashion some companies and state bodies use them efficiently enough in economy planning and management.



Alexandr DEVITAIKIN, Alexandr POPOV, Volemir SMOLYARENKO. Innovation management: setting up an innovation business network at the expense of original investment and own profit

The investment cycle is launched at the expense of original investment, its further development and completion are financed from own profits of newly started enterprises. This method can be regarded as an element of innovation management.


Reference and advice

Joint conclusions

The fourth sitting of the Round table of Russia and EU industry captains was held in Turin in February 15 - 16, 2002 co-presided by Mr. P. Cantarella, chairman of FIAT concern, Mr. A. Chubais, chairman of RAO “EES Russia”. Among the issues discussed there were investment policy and terms, cooperation in the power industry, transport, telecommunication, information technologies, etc.