Volume 7, 2006



Rudolf ZIMENKOV. The history and state of Vietnam zone policy

Despite considerable hardships Vietnam slowly but persistently pursues the policy of setting up zones to draw in the foreign capital. The zones foster creating new and modernizing existing industries. This policy causes the growth of export, currency revenues, better employment, and all that has a wholesome effect on the national economy.

Leonid ZHUKOV. The role of regions in forming the investment climate in Russia

Study and assessment of investment climate, proposals on advice services.



Victor MOSKVIN. Education of financial risk managers for risk analysis when implementing investment projects

Education of students in managing financial risks with a curriculum oriented to work on financial markets dealing with industrial investment projects.

Leonid RATHKEEN. Investments in the Russian oil & gas industry in quest of home factors of investment augmentation

The St.-Petersburg G8 summit decisions will influence the destinies of many countries and whole regions of the world. The article describes one of important events foregoing the summit (Oil & gas week).



Liudmila ZOTOVA. A typical procedure of marketing structure system analysis (the radio-electronic segment of the Russian market)

Now the state enterprise sphere including a «target setting» system has no clear, even qualitative, reference points. Vague budget distribution criteria for science and technology corrupt their management at all levels. The procedure offered presents the first step in upgrading the state management objective.

Nikolai KAZANTSEV, Socorro DELGADO. Law patterns and categories of technical regulation of allowed risks in the engineering projects (the end, beginning in 6, 2006)



Gennadi ZINCHENKO. Attractors of market prices when transforming a new (added) value in turnover process

Alexandr SHPAK. Particularities of organizing and financing R & D in Finland



Alla FLIOROVA. Notion of innovation in the Russian Federation legislation