Volume 11, 2008



Victor MOSKVIN. Why wrong decisions are taken

The offered series of articles is aimed to making the reader acquainted with notions emerging on the joints of various sciences which would help to avoid many errors when preparing and taking decisions.

Oleg SUKHAREV. Towards a new theory of efficient economy

The economy today is developing along the anti-Pareto vector i. e. the industrial civilization lays main expenses upon the environment and the man himself. It is necessary to define the criterion and principles of the efficient economy and analyze conditions of maximum efficiency.

Leonid RATHKEEN. Investment in astrophysics

The start of the LHC means the great contribution in studies of astrophysics, the problems of which are discussed in the article.

Dmitri VASILIEV. Outsourcing on the world markets of research-intensive goods

International labour division is most efficient in developing and producing goods of high added value, since here is the highest difference in wages in different counties.



Olga BELOUSOVA. The role and place of investment policy in providing competitiveness of an industrial complex

Russia’ lagging behind in industrial use of advanced researches may cause the lag in the economic and social development. Main risks are in budget financing major lines of science and technology.



Guzel GUMEROVA, Elmira SHAIMIYEVA. Vital aspects of technological innovation at Russian enterprises

The study of theory and practice of «technological innovation». The statistic analysis of innovation shows low efficiency of innovation management.



Sergei KISELIOV. On practical literacy