Volume 1, 2009



Yuri ERSHOV. The Agreement to the Energy charter and Russia' national interests (article second)

The second article has two aims. First - to show the major lacks of AEC, retaining Russia from his ratification. The second purpose of writing of the article is a desire to show the ways of reformation of AEC, with that to enable to become his competent participant Russia, not renouncing the national interests, simultaneously strengthening global power safety.



Victor MOSKVIN. Necessity of changing paradigm of development of Russian financial education

That the existing in Russia system of higher education does not answer the modern necessities of community development, all, who it indeed interests, know. In basis of the mass ununderstanding of the real situation that absence is in the country of high-quality financial formation of persons, being at all levels of decision-making.

Oleg SUKHAREV. Types of efficiency are in an economy: modern interpretation

Allocative efficiency. Efficiency of exchange and production.

Andrey ZVEREV. Business activity of organizations, carrying out the financial leasing

Vsevolod ARKHIPOV. To the question about a world food crisis

A price advance on food stuffs causes in many countries an alarm in regard to providing of food safety. However there are serious grounds to suppose that high global demand on food will be saved and required a few years, to recover his exhausted supplies.



Vadim DASKOVSKIY, Vladimir KISELIOV. About the crisis of process reproduction of capital assets and economic activity in the Russia’ economy

The maintenance of physical volume of capital assets for years reforms takes place in the conditions of the unprecedented falling of investments in the fixed assets. Out of the created situation can a way be only scale innovative reconstruction of enterprises of all industries of economy, this fact is not yet realized although.



Leonid RATHKEEN. High-tech innovation projects on International Space Station.

International Space Station is not only the successful investment meta-project, but also the mobile platform for new technical & technological solutions. Some of them are discussed in this article.