Volume 9, 2009



Yuri KRUPNOV. New old theories of economic crisis (the end, beginning in ¹ 8, 2009).

Oleg SUKHAREV. System analysis of management of economic agents and structures innovation activities

Financial investment institutions are required to increase profitability of other economy subsystems not allowing them to drop efficiency and loose the vital functions (including social and living standards).

Vsevolod ARKHIPOV. China struggling to monopolize Australia mineral resources

Using monetary reserves accumulated before crisis China is carrying out vast expansion on external markets.



Victor MOSKVIN. Information vacuum zones in the knowledge system

Andrei IVANOV. Intensification of investment moves and capital accumulation as a prerequisite of forming the construction investment complex.

Andrei SLAVIANOV. Outcome investment strategy under financial instability



Leonid RATHKEEN. Modern navigation equipment produced by investment projects of Russian enterprises

The growth of road accidents in different countries suggests the extreme measures for increasing of safety level. One of the key measures is the use of the modern navigation equipment produced with innovation technologies.



Gennadi KRASOVSKI. Comments on the book «System analysis and analytic research»

Alexandr KORCHEVSKI. Venture investment: comments

The capital’s industry gets out of crisis